Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Week 4: Reading Diary- Sinbad

Sinbad Unit

Fifth Voyage 

I am really enjoying Sinbad's adventures this far! However, I do not really know what a roc is. I am assuming it is some type of huge bird. When the rocs threw the blocks of stone, I immediately thought of the huge fight scene in the Lion, the Witch and Wardrobe (movie). During the fight scene there are these griffons that throw things at the opposing side so I imagined that part to be a lot like that movie. I also love that they are smart enough to make the monkey's do all of the hard work. As the story says there would have been no way for them to actually get the coconuts if they did not get the monkeys to help. 

Sixth Voyage

Sinbad must really love to go on his voyages. I mean he just keeps getting shipwrecked and still keeps going out there every time! That is called dedication and having a passion for something. Also guess what? He did end up in another ship wreck. I love the little pep talk the captain gives to everyone. "we may as well begin to dig your graves at once." I think it is really cool that the king of the island was so impressed with Sinbad's stories that they were written in gold and put in the king's archive. I am however confused as to why it is so important that the Prince is really as rich as he claimed. Especially because after Sinbad tells the king he talks about how wise the Prince is and not about his riches.

Seventh Voyage

It sounded like the journey there was pretty smooth and on the way back it got a little rough. When Sinbad kills the elephant it kind of made me mad that they just built a trench to bury the elephant with. They are such huge and magnificent creatures! Just burying the elephant seemed very wasteful. I became much happier when Sinbad created the idea to use the tusks that are already in the elephant's burying ground. This way it will save more elephants from being killed. I like that Hinbad agrees that Sinbad has suffered and he spends his money well, so therefore he truly deserves what he has. I agree with that statement because if you are not going to use your money responsibly than it could be gone in the blink of an eye. Seeing that Sinbad has taken care of it for so long must mean that he deserves it. 

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