Thursday, August 28, 2014

Essay for Week 2: Love. It's complicated.

Cupid and Psyche by Joshua Reynolds, via Wikimedia Commons

I really enjoyed the readings in the Cupid and Psyche unit. I chose this unit because I love Greek/Roman mythology and because in the overview it was compared to the "Beauty and the Beast." I got the "Beauty and the Beast" vibe for the first half and then it lost that when Psyche discovered who her husband was. I would like to take a moment to compare the two sisters to the traditional "evil step-sisters" that are in stories. As in other stories, these evil sisters are trying to ruin the happiness of their sister. If these two cannot be happy with their lives, than neither can Psyche. My least favorite story this unit is Venus and Psyche. I really hate how Venus still tortures Psyche while she is pregnant with Venus's grandchild. It is not Psyche's fault that Cupid fell in love with her and it definitely is not the baby's fault. My favorite story this unit is Psyche's Husband Revealed. I hate that Psyche doesn't listen to Cupid and that gets her into trouble. However, I admire the courage it must have taken Psyche to look at what she believed was a monster. I also find it hilarious that she was so mesmerized by her husband that she let the candle wax drip and burn Cupid. The candle is a "poor servant to Love." This situation sounds like something that would happen to me. I love how the author introduced the characters in this unit. He takes a couple paragraphs just to describe how beautiful Psyche is and another paragraph to portray the despicable creature that Cupid is. I appreciate details because this really helps me picture exactly what I am reading. One thing about this unit that I thought was weird was when Psyche falls into "death sleep." It doesn't elaborate on how long she was like that. Was it five minutes or five years?  I really find it surprising that this unit has a happy ending. I thought that most Greek/Roman mythology stories ended badly for the main characters. I guess it ended up well for Cupid and Psyche though.

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