Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week 1: Storybook Favorites

The first storybook I looked at was The Prince Diaries. I couldn't help but look because I love the Disney movie "The Princess Diaries" and I wanted to see if it was a spin off. It wasn't like the movie, however, the author did tell the story like the princes were writing inside their diaries. I also love the idea behind the storybook and how the story is told based off of the guy's point of view instead of the girl's.

The next storybook was Bedtime in Oz. I loved that the author of this storybook expanded onto the story of The Wizard of Oz that everyone knows so well. I also enjoyed how you get to read the events from the story in each main character's perspective as they are telling their story to their children. I like how it gives you a glimpse of what their life has been like since they visited The Wizard and how the journey they went on with Dorothy changed their lives for the better.

The last storybook I looked at was Dragons Anonymous. Dragons are something I wish was real (like nice dragons). They sound so majestic and riding one would be amazing. I loved the creativity behind this storybook. I especially love that there is even a creed for the dragons saying that they are not villains, they are just dragons. I also like how it went into detail as to why each dragon was there and what their motives were for destroying cities and killing people. I really enjoyed the idea of a bunch of dragons getting together to try to move on from the terrible things they have done in their past to look toward a brighter future.

In all of these storybooks, I really enjoyed the creativity of each author. They all told their stories in a way that grabbed the attention of the author and presented the information in a new and entertaining way.

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